Publications & contributions
Fairfield, T (1998) Investigation into the impacts of forestry operations on otters and water voles. A confidential report funded by English Nature
Field surveyor: Liles G & Colley R (2001) Otter (Lutra lutra) road mortalities: a procedure for the implementation of mitigation measures. A report for EA Wales
Liles G & Fairfield T (1999) Otters and otter habitats: A confidential report for MWI (FC) & MAFF. Funded by FC England
Fairfield, T (2009) Impacts of operations: A confidential report for FC West Midlands
Strachan R, Liles G & Fairfield T (2004) Managing woodlands in the presence of otters: Section 2 (6). In: Forestry Commission (2004) Managing Woodlands and their Mammals. Paper presented by Rob and Tom at joint Mammal Society and Forestry Commission Symposium, 2004
Fairfield T & Trout R (2011) Wildest of the wild things. European Mustelid Colloquium
2000 - ongoing: Monitoring pine marten interaction with forest interfaces at locations in Mid-Wales & the Welsh Marches. With funding from FC Wales, FC England & Forest Research