Tom Fairfield


Ecological Consultant ~ Training Provider




Working throughout the UK, a specialist in survey and mitigation for dormice, otter and protected species in forestry operations and built development.

Extensive practical experience of traditional woodland management and commercial timber harvest.

Available for talks and presentations. Professional indemnity insurance. Based on the Herefordshire - Wales border.

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Ecological consultancy

Protected species surveys, advice and mitigation

including bats, dormice, otter, great crested newt and reptiles

White-clawed crayfish and non-native crayfish species (with associate Lydia Robbins)

Extensive practical experience of traditional woodland management

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‘Otters in forest operations’ national trainer 2001/2002/2003 (English Nature funded)

‘Mitigating for otters & amphibians’ training provider for Herefordshire County Council 2003 (EA Wales funded)

Forestry Commission (Regulations) national protected species tutor 2013, 2015, 2018 (2015 & 2018 jointly with Bat Conservation Trust) for FC officers, private forestry agents, private landowners and Police Officers

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Publications & contributions

Fairfield, T (1998) Investigation into the impacts of forestry operations on otters and water voles. A confidential report funded by English Nature

Field surveyor: Liles G & Colley R (2001) Otter (Lutra lutra) road mortalities: a procedure for the implementation of mitigation measures. A report for EA Wales

Liles G & Fairfield T (1999) Otters and otter habitats: A confidential report for MWI (FC) & MAFF. Funded by FC England

Fairfield, T (2009) Impacts of operations: A confidential report for FC West Midlands

Strachan R, Liles G & Fairfield T (2004) Managing woodlands in the presence of otters: Section 2 (6). In: Forestry Commission (2004) Managing Woodlands and their Mammals. Paper presented by Rob and Tom at joint Mammal Society and Forestry Commission Symposium, 2004

Fairfield T & Trout R (2011) Wildest of the wild things. European Mustelid Colloquium

2000 - ongoing: Monitoring pine marten interaction with forest interfaces at locations in Mid-Wales & the Welsh Marches. With funding from FC Wales, FC England & Forest Research

Recent clients include


The Wye & Usk Foundation

Tilhill Forestry

The National Trust

The Woodland Trust

FC England


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